Sunday, April 8, 2012


What exactly is the big fucking deal about this guy? Is it because he is rich? Black on the outside and White on the inside? He was once a great golfer? All of these, or maybe none of these? I was a huge fan of his until the deviant and anti-social behavior shattered his image. I think he is a major dick now. Let's take a look at the world of Tiger.

Golf Legacy

-Even though he was making an obscene amount from sponsorship and tournament money, the dick had the gall to demand a percentage of the purse just to show up.

-No other pro golfer has displayed such unprofessional behavior as Tiger. Yesterday, at the Masters, not only was he golfing like a retard, he let loose with a variety of obscenities, including God Damn, shit and a whispered fuck it! Then he threw and kicked his 9 iron.

-At a tournament in England he beaned a little kid with a club swung in anger. The dick made a feeble attempt at an apology.

-How many times has he withdrawn during a tournament because of injury? It usually happens after a couple of bogies or there is no chance of him winning. Dickish behavior to say the least.


-After the public found out about his multiple affairs during his marriage, he resurrected his dead father in a Nike commercial just to get back his huge endorsement with this corporation. 


-This is one of the most interesting aspects of Tiger. Blacks defend his deviant and anti-social behavior just because he is Black. Given the fact he distances himself from Blacks seems lost on them.

-His social, sexual and family life illustrate his ethnic preference is White. He's married White. His dalliance with porn stars, club girls and hos have been White.

-Is this fact lost on Blacks? If he wasn't rich and famous would he not epitomize an 'Uncle Tom'? 


Go to YouTube to see the ridiculous remarks concerning his ex-wife Elin. I'm not being racist,but just stating the facts. Nearly every remark calling her a bitch, gold digger, cunt, backstabber, is authored by a Black. As hard as it is to understand why men would be hard on her, I can't believe women would be critical of her! What the fuck did she do wrong other then marry a philandering dick who couldn't keep his cock in his pants. Did she have an affair? From all reports, she was was a loving, caring and dutiful wife.

-Elin displayed her sense of class, moral standards and self-esteem by divorcing this prick. Look at Kobe Bryant's wife. She was bought off with a huge diamond ring after Kobe was charged with sexual assault. Even if the sex was consensual, the deviant was fucking around on her. Magic Johnson's wife was3 months pregnant was 3 months pregnant when he announced to the world that he was banging hundreds of women and was mow afflicted with HIV. His $millions guaranteed she was sticking with this philanderer.

-Elin deserved the $500 million she got.How was she to know the Dick was going to fuck a couple of dozen hos/porn stars/bar girls during their short marriage?

-The DICK was even phoning the whores over Christmas. You'd think his wife and two kids would be his priority, not his raging boner.

-Look at Elin. Jesus Christ, why the fuck would he want another woman? Some people said it was all her fault. I may be biased, being of Swedish heritage, but I don't think you can do better than a blond from Sweden.


It's obvious from his actions, demeanor, personality and his tragically self-destructive life style, he is a very troubled man. Nobody worth a $billion should look as miserable and unhappy as this man. Another problem is fact that hero worship has allowed him to minimize his bad behavior.

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