Tuesday, April 10, 2012



If this America's most trusted news network, then the National Enquirer is America's most trusted newspaper. CNN has become a network that thrives on sensationalism, bias and hate mongering. They have an agenda that promotes racial tension. The news is not even their priority. They don't have 'reporters', they have self-aggrandizing, self-promoting scum bags who have no interest in objective reporting.

Can't get the taste.....

-Anderson was born with a sliver spoon shoved so far up his ass, Roto-Rooter couldn't get it out. His older brother, Carter, took a header off the balcony of their New York pent house, probably as an act of desperation given the fact he had a brother like Anderson and a mother by the name of Gloria Vanderbilt.

-He thrives on human suffering while giving a false air of compassion. He was the first reporter into Haiti. Anderson standing there in his $300 shirt, $500 slacks and $2000 shoes didn't seem to suit the atmosphere of total devastation and human misery.  (continued tomorrow)

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