Tuesday, December 20, 2011



I have been busy lately with my job as a contributing editor (under my real name) for several newspapers. Fuck me, if my publishers saw my blog, I'd be history! If anyone gives a shit, I will be making some new postings to my blog.

 I will be updating my latest escapades with retards, assholes, dip-shits, etc. I hope to tear some celebs a new asshole. I will also be doing some political analysis. See you soon. Doc.


In an interview with TMZ recently, Paris Hilton disclosed she flew to Africa to adopt a baby. "If Sandra Bullock and Madonna can do it for publicity, why can't I?"

Feeling somewhat left out of the spotlight in the last year, Paris Hilton decided to take matters into her own hands. Following in the footsteps of Madonna and Sandra

Kudos to President Obama for his hilarious  pissed off every parent of a retard at the opening of the 2011 Special Olympics being held in Little Rock, Arkansas. Sporting a helmet and a ridiculous grin, he began his speech with these opening words-"Duhhhh, badeeepada, let da games begin!" His wife Michelle pissed her pants laughing. Asked by the press covering the event why he would put on such a display of total disregard to this group, he responded by stating that none of these dumb fucks can vote.

Bob Hewson, better known as U2 frontman Bono's father, was recently spotted in London shopping. He is shown here at one of London's most prestigious tailor shops, Savile Road, trying on a suit. In a recent interview on BBC, Bob was asked if Bono got his looks from his mother. Bob replied that he rather doubts that, stating his wife was more grotesque than him.

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